Contact: Heather Cirmo
[email protected]
March 12, 2021, DALLAS — Human Coalition Action Texas State Director Chelsey Youman issued the following statement today in support of a bill sponsored by Texas State Senator Brian Hughes (R-Tyler) and State Representative Shelby Slawson (R-Stephensville) prohibiting abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected:
“This heartbeat bill is yet another example, of many, that Texas is leading the way in protecting human life. A pre-born baby’s heartbeat—which is clear evidence of human life—can be detected as early as six weeks. Eighty-four percent of all abortions in Texas occur at eight weeks or less gestation. If a heartbeat law had been in place last year, about 47,500 precious human lives would have been saved.
In a show of solidarity, the heartbeat bill has 69 signatories from both the House and Senate. After a thorough review of the bill, Human Coalition Action believes it is constitutionally sound and should be put to a vote by the full Senate and House. I urge our Texas Legislature to allow beating human hearts to continue to beat.”
About Human Coalition Action
Human Coalition is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation, operating a growing network of telehealth and brick-and-mortar health care centers across the nation. Human Coalition Action is the public policy advocacy arm of Human Coalition, advocating for preborn children by aiding legislators in passing pro-life policies, informing voters about pro-life candidates, and supporting pro-life legal arguments in the Courts.