Saturday, August 1, 2020
Contact: Heather Cirmo

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 1, 2020 — Pro-life activists planning to paint “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in front of a D.C. Planned Parenthood abortion clinic this morning were told by police this was not allowed. Two students were arrested when they wrote the words in chalk, a seemingly overreach of authority. Human Coalition Action Executive Director and African American minister Rev. Dean Nelson decided, therefore, to host an impromptu rally at Frederick Douglass court, a memorial to the abolitionist behind the Supreme Court building.

‘It was a multi-ethnic gathering of all ages to mark the similarities between the abolitionist movement and today’s pro-life movement,” said Rev. Nelson who also leads the Frederick Douglass Foundation. “Frederick Douglass and other abolitionists’ fight to end slavery was really about advocating for dignity and personhood for everyone. We marched today to extend those same rights to the preborn, particularly black children who are disproportionately targeted by Planned Parenthood.”

“Why the police greeted our peaceful demonstration when D.C. streets have been opened up for protests is perplexing, and that two of the students were arrested for drawing in chalk is disturbing,” said Rev. Nelson. “We will definitely pursue justice for the students while also continuing the fight to protect the preborn.”

About Human Coalition:

Human Coalition was founded in 2009 to leverage the power of technology to reach abortion-determined women on the internet. Today, Human Coalition is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation, operating a growing network of virtual and brick-and-mortar women’s care clinics across the nation. Human Coalition Action is the public policy advocacy 501(c)4 arm of Human Coalition advocating for preborn children by challenging legislators to vote for pro-life policies, informing voters about pro-life candidates, and supporting pro-life legal arguments in the Courts. 


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