Contact: Matt Hadro
[email protected]

Human Coalition Action Celebrates Lifesaving Effects of NC’s Care for Women, Children, and Families Act

October 16, 2023, RALEIGH, NC — On Monday, Human Coalition Action responded to a report that abortions in North Carolina dropped by more than 30% after enactment of the Care for Women, Children, and Families Act.

Human Coalition Action supported the law, enacted earlier this year after the state legislature voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto. The holistic law protects children in the womb after 12 weeks of pregnancy and funds a range of support programs for their vulnerable mothers.

Bob Touchton, North Carolina Director of Government Partnerships for Human Coalition Action, issued the following statement:

“This bill could not have come at a better time. Just as North Carolina was becoming an abortion destination, this landmark legislation reversed that trend through a combination of protections for human life in the womb and support for their vulnerable mothers. It is a giant first step toward building a culture of life in North Carolina.

“The humanity of the child in the womb is undeniable, and by 12 weeks of pregnancy we know the child has developed organs, fingers, and toes, and has a heartbeat. The law protects these precious lives, yet without courageous leadership in the legislature this would not have been possible. We especially want to thank House Speaker Tim Moore, Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger, Tami Fitzgerald of the North Carolina Values Coalition, and John Rustin of the North Carolina Family Policy Council for shepherding this bill to passage.

“Crucially, this law coupled protections for children with support for vulnerable mothers, including funding of paid parental leave, education, child care, and pregnancy care programs. We thank Rep. Dean Arp, Sen. Ralph Hise, and Sen. Joyce Krawiec for their leadership in ensuring this transformative support became a reality.”

About Human Coalition Action

Human Coalition Action is a public policy advocacy organization, advocating for preborn children by assisting governing officials in advancing pro-life policies, informing voters about pro-life candidates, and supporting pro-life legal arguments in the Courts.


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