Contact: Matt Hadro
[email protected]
July 8, 2024, WASHINGTON, DC — Jeff Bradford, President of Human Coalition Action, on Monday issued the following response to the GOP platform language on abortion approved by the platform committee:
“We support the platform’s affirmation that children in the womb are protected under the 14th Amendment. We joined other pro-life leaders last year in a landmark call for all children to be recognized as persons with legal protections beginning at the earliest embryonic stage. This truth must be reflected in all laws, state and federal.
“We also call for strong pro-family policies that support low-income mothers and families in areas such as childcare, health care, paid family leave, employment, and material assistance. Since many women seek abortion due to challenging social and economic circumstances, our policies must provide true alternatives to abortion and create a culture of life where abortion is truly unthinkable and unnecessary.”
About Human Coalition Action
Human Coalition Action is a public policy advocacy organization, advocating for preborn children by assisting governing officials in advancing pro-life policies, informing voters about pro-life candidates, and supporting pro-life legal arguments in the Courts