Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Contact: Heather Cirmo

DALLAS, August 25, 2020 — Last week, the Austin City Council voted to redirect $150 million from the city’s police department to other government services. A quarter of a million of those dollars will be directed toward providing transportation, lodging and childcare for women seeking abortions.

“Because of SB 22, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates can’t receive one cent of our taxpayer money,” said Human Coalition Action Texas State Director Chelsey Youman. “As it did before, no doubt the Austin City Council would have gladly given Planned Parenthood thousands of taxpayer dollars had not this law been in place. Because of this overlooked protection, Austin is unable to subsidize abortions directly with taxpayer funding.”

During the last session, the Texas Legislature passed SB 22 to prohibit state funding of any abortion provider or its affiliates. The bill had significant support from legislators like State Senators Angela Paxton, Jane Nelson, Donna Campbell and Brian Hughes. It was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in June of last year.

“Under the guise of health and safety, Austin attempted to redirect police funds to so-called abortion care services. Ironically, rather than making Austin’s communities safer, they are determined to endanger the lives of preborn children in their communities, using taxpayer funds to do it. The people of that city should be outraged,” said Youman.

About Human Coalition

Human Coalition is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation, operating a growing network of telehealth and brick-and-mortar women’s healthcare centers across the nation. Human Coalition Action is the public policy advocacy 501(c)(4) arm of Human Coalition advocating for preborn children by challenging legislators to vote for pro-life policies, informing voters about pro-life candidates, and supporting pro-life legal arguments in the Courts.


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