The Pro-Life Movement
Needs a Unifying Force.
Nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities can be found within walking distance of minority communities. Moreover, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute has conceded that the abortion rate for Black women is almost five times the rate for white women.
Human Coalition Action works toward
Three Primary Goals

Mobilize Grassroots to Promote
Social Advocacy & Change

Advocate for Political Action to
Advance Pro-Life Policies

Unify the Pro-Life Movement to
Maximize its Cultural Impact
Now more than ever, the pro-life movement needs a unifying force.
A force to serve those who empower women and protect children.
A force to generate momentum from the grassroots to the government.
A force to partner policy with a National Rescue System for children and families.
Human Coalition Action is this force.
“The reality of a slave who had no rights and was powerless is similar to a child in the womb whose rights are not affirmed.”
– Dean Nelson, Executive Director